Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Virgin Post

SO! Here goes nothing.. This is my first time creating a blog so as the title says, I am a virgin when it comes to blogging. I have been thinking about creating one for quite some time, but kept putting it off. However, since I am expecting Baby Ballard, I figured now is a better time than any...we shall see how it goes and hopefully I can remember to keep it updated.
*Warning: This post will be longer since it is my very first one :)

Ok, so to catch it up to speed with our busy life lets start out with the basics. I have been on summer break now for a few months and although I absolutely LOVE and ADORE my job at Poka, this summer has definitely spoiled me. I DO NOT want to be back on a normal schedule. I so very much enjoy being able to do what I want, when I want, AND dress :) how I want. To be honest, I have gotten bored a lot of the times just sitting at home, but I like the idea of not HAVING to do something each day. Here in the next week or so, I will begin preparing myself to set the alarm (what's that thing?) again and start waking up early so it will not come as such a shock to me on August 13 (students don't start back until the 20th).

A few things that I have enjoyed about this summer has been being able to eat lunch with my husband... wow, I honestly love being able to do that and am going to miss it greatly. Being a teacher, as well as working over an hour from him (and where we live), this is something that I do not have the luxury of doing during the months of August-May. I have also enjoyed being able to drive to Phenix City and hang out with family and friends! And as my husband would say... I have definitely enjoyed sleeping in. I always get up with him in the mornings (light sleeper) while he is getting ready for work, but as soon as that Tundra pulls out the driveway, Max (cat), LeRoy (dog) and myself climb back upstairs and I hit the sack for a few more hours :).

As you know, we are expecting our very first child Mr. Jaxson Brett Ballard on December 3, 2012... AHHHHHHH!! Words can not describe how elated we are about this blessing from above. I am in my second trimester now and will be 22 weeks this Sunday. I was blessed, can I say it again...blessed, with NO morning sickness or anything of the sorts. PRAISE JESUS! I have always heard horror stories about this and it was one of the things I worried about before getting pregnant. I did however, suffer from fatigue. I have a funny (and somewhat redneck) story to share on this: As you all know, I commute about an hour and fifteen minutes to work as we live in Newnan and I teach in Loachapoka (Loach-a-what?...its a super duper small town outside (or in) Auburn, AL..if you blink you will miss it). I was driving home from work back in April, the sun was beaming down on  my little black car, music was playing softly, and this all just made it even harder for me to keep my eyes open. I would find myself having to literally hold my eyes open with a finger just to stay awake. (Another method was constantly changing the radio station and then randomly blaring it). I was already planning to stop at Exit 28 and grab a few things for supper that evening and PTL I made it there without falling asleep at the wheel. As soon as I found a parking spot and put that Honda in "P"- I laid my seat back, locked my doors, and took me about a 20 minute catnap!!!! :) Boy was it needed and when I awoke, I was rejuvenated and went on in to get my groceries and proceed on the rest of my journey home. I never have had to pull over at a grocery store (Ingles to be exact) and nap before, but I guess that's what carrying a little human being inside of you will do!

Jaxson in 3D @ 16 weeks
Look at our sweet baby smiling and check out that teeny tiny foot

Jaxson @ 20 weeks
Baby J and his precious little profile...ahhh

I am going to stop posting now so it doesn't seem like I am writing my life story in this one post :). I will post more tomorrow and am SUPER excited to post some nursery pictures and update you more on our little blessing, Jax! Stay tuned....

Sneak Peek

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